Child Endangerment by Operating Under the Influence

Massachusetts OUI Lawyer

Boston Child Endangerment Attorney

In Massachusetts, if you are found to be Operating Under the Influence while a child under the age of 14 is in your car, you face MANDATORY JAIL TIME. The minimum is 90 days in the house of corrections, up to 2 1/2 years. You will also be subject to a mandatory 1 year license loss.

A second conviction for this offense carries a MANDATORY MINIMUM jail sentence of 6 months, up to 5 years in state prison, with a mandatory 3 year license loss.

If you have been charged with Child Endangerment by Operating Under the Influence, the consequences are tremendous. It is important that you contact a skilled criminal defense attorney BEFORE saying a single word to law enforcement.

If you have been charged with any motor vehicle offense in Massachusetts, contact our office:

(617) 830-2188

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