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2015 Case Results at Urbelis Law

July 10, 2015

We are not even halfway through 2015, but Urbelis Law has already had a very busy, and productive year with great results for our clients! Below is a list of cases that resolved very favorably for our clients since January 1st of 2015. We look forward to continuing to achieve such results for the remainder of the year and beyond!

Trial Verdicts

Federal Charges: Client was a middle school teacher with the 3 lead charges of the indictment carrying a MANDATORY MINIMUM sentence of 15 years in federal prison, each. There is no parole in federal cases. Client was also charged with two lesser included offenses as well.

Verdict: After a jury trial, client was acquitted on all 3 of the most serious counts, avoiding the tremendous mandatory prison sentence. Client was convicted on the two lesser offenses. The United States Attorney’s office proposed sentencing enhancements relating to those two lesser offenses, and defense counsel was successful on having all 3 enhancements which he opposed denied by the Court.

Charges: Attempted Murder, Assault and Battery. Client was accused of making his way into his ex-girlfriend’s apartment at 6am, finding her in her living room, choking her with both hands around her neck for three minutes until she could not breathe, and pulled hair out of her head. An independent witness testified to these events and said that he came in and saved the alleged victim.
Verdict: Not Guilty.

Charges: Client was charged with Operating Under the Influence 2nd Offense (his prior offense being just one year earlier), where he faced a mandatory 5 year license loss, with an additional 2 years of requiring the interlock ignition device in his vehicle, as well as a mandatory 14 day inpatient treatment program with after care, and tremendous costs. He also faced a lesser charge of negligent operation. The evidence provided by law enforcement showed that at 1am client had driven his car on the wrong side of the road, crashed into a parked car, significantly damaged both vehicles, had slurred speech, was incoherent, exhibited a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage, bloodshot eyes, could not stand, could not answer questions, and continuously fell over.
Verdict: Not Guilty as to Operating Under the Influence. Guilty on the lesser charge of negligent operation; one year probation.

Charges: Resisting Arrest, Disturbing the Peace, Trespassing, Disorderly Conduct
Verdict: Not Guilty due to lack of criminal responsibility (insanity).

Cases Resolved Prior to Trial

Charges: Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon (felony), Assault and Battery, Larceny from a Person (felony), Vandalizing Property (felony)
Result: Outright dismissal.

Charges: Carrying a Firearm without a license (felony- mandatory minimum 18 months in jail), Possession of a Firearm without an FID card, Carrying a Firearm while intoxicated, Receiving Stolen Property over $250 (felony)
Result: All firearms related offenses dismissed outright. Receiving charged dismissed upon period of drug testing. No admission to any of the charges.

Charges: Distribution of Cocaine (felony), Conspiracy
Result: Outright Dismissal.

Charges: Operating with a Revoked License as a Habitual Traffic Offender, Negligent Operation of a Motor Vehicle
Result: Outright Dismissal.

Charges: Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon (felony)
Result: Outright Dismissal.

Charges: Operating Under the Influence of Alcohol, Operating to Endanger
Result: Outright dismissal.

Charges: Assault with a Dangerous Weapon (felony)
Result: Outright Dismissal.

Charges: Violation of a Restraining Order
Result: Outright Dismissal.

Charges: Larceny from a Building (felony)
Result: Outright Dismissal.

Charges: Receiving Stolen Property Under $250
Result: Outright Dismissal.

Charges: Assault and Battery
Result: Outright Dismissal.

Charges: Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle, Operating without a License
Result: Dismissed upon the performance of community service. No admission to the offense.

Charges: Assault and Battery
Result: Outright dismissal.

Charges: Possession of Heroin, Possession of Cocaine
Result: Case dismissed upon the completion of NA meetings. No admission to the offense.

Charges: Larceny Under $250
Result: Outright Dismissal
Charges: 2 counts FORGERY (felony), Larceny over $250 (felony)
Result: Case dismissed upon payment of costs. No admission to the offense.

Charges: Assault and Battery on a 3 year old Child with Injury (felony), Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon (felony)
Result: CWOF, case dismissed at end of probation. No conviction.

Clerk Magistrate / Show Cause Hearings

Requested Charges: Operating Under the Influence causing Serious Bodily Injury (felony with a mandatory minimum jail sentence of six months)
Result: No criminal charge issued.

Requested Charges: Breaking and Entering with intent to commit misdemeanor
Result: No criminal charge issued.

Requested Charges: Leaving the Scene of Property Damage (2 counts)
Result: No criminal charge issued.

Requested Charges: Assault and Battery
Result: No criminal charge issued.

Requested Charges: Keeping a Disorderly House
Result: No criminal charge issued.

Requested Charges: Disorderly Conduct
Result: No criminal charge issued.

Requested Charges: Minor in possession of alcohol
Result: No criminal charge issued.

Post-Conviction Relief

Motion to Vacate Criminal Conviction
Result: Motion allowed, preventing deportation of client under federal law.

Motion to Revise and Revoke Sentence

Result: Motion allowed, new sentence prevented deportation of client under federal law.

Motion to Vacate Criminal Conviction
Result: Motion allowed, preventing deportation of client under federal law.

Probation Violations

Violation: Failing court-ordered drug screenings while on probation for felony drug charges.
Result: Violation notice withdrawn. Case dismissed at end of probation term.

Contact our office with any criminal matter:


Client Reviews

"Ben Urbelis recently represented me in an OUI case in which I had crashed my car. I honestly did not believe I had any chance of beating it, but fortunately for me Ben was outstanding and all charges were dropped. In my first hearing he was calm, assertive and straight to the point. I was extremely...


"When I found myself charged with my 3rd DUI I was certain without a doubt that I was facing 6 months to 2 1/2 years in state prison. I can’t believe you were able to guide me calmly through the whole nerve wracking process, never sugar coating anything, staying honest and always keeping me informed...


"I want to personally thank Ben and his wonderful a staff at Urbelis Law for what an outstanding job they did for my son and his friends! Ben went above and beyond for them, with a successful outcome. I would highly recommend Ben to anyone that would need his services, he was wonderful!"


"Huge thank you to not only my friend, but my lawyer,Ben Urbelis..I presented him with a case that at first was a bit tricky on paper... but we worked hard together and got all information we needed to prove i was innocent! He knew from the get go a year ago that he was gonna smash this case, and he...


"Thank you for your excellent representation in this matter. Coming from out of town, it wasreassuringto have an attorney who was so well organized and on top of the process. It was very clear that the judge was not only familiar with you, but had a great deal of respect for you in the courtroom. I...


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