Criminal Defense Lawyers
Specializing in DUI
Massachusetts Fake ID Penalties
Boston False Driver’s License Lawyer
There are many different scenarios that can lead to the charge most commonly known as “possessing a fake ID.” This particular charge can stem from falsifying a signature or otherwise altering any state-issued identification card, registration, operator’s license, learner’s permit, inspection sticker, or registrar’s stamp, OR possessing such altered document. This charge most commonly arises when a person under 21 years old has a “fake ID” in order to procure alcohol or enter a 21-and-over bar or nightclub, or in the case of a person who makes such falsified identifications for use by people under 21 years of age. It may seem like a minor “kids will be kids” misdemeanor, but that’s far from how the Commonwealth prosecutes these offenses. This charge is a felony. It carries up to five years in prison and a $500 fine. A conviction will also carry a mandatory 1 year license loss from the RMV. A person convicted of creating such documents with the intent to distribute them, after having been found in possession of at least 10 of such falsified documents, faces up to 10 years in state prison. This is a felony that could have life-long consequences, especially if you are convicted. Make sure that you contact a skilled criminal defense attorney ASAP to protect your legal interests.
If you have been charged with possession of a fake ID, or any other crime in Massachusetts, contact my office immediately:
(617) 830-2188