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Specializing in DUI
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OUI / DUI Information Center
Don’t be afraid to FIGHT YOUR CASE and go to Trial- Massachusetts
Problems with OUI / DUI Investigations- Massachusetts
Working Out a Deal- Massachusetts
What is a Continuance Without a Finding (CWOF)?- Massachusetts
Melanie’s Law- Massachusetts
OUI / DUI Penalties- Massachusetts
Consequences of Breath Test Refusal and Failure- Massachusetts
Interlock Ignition Device (IID)- Massachusetts
Operating Under the Influence of Drugs (OUI – Drugs)- Massachusetts
Hardship / Cinderella / Work License- Massachusetts
Benjamin P. Urbelis, Esq.
Lorraine D. Belostock, Esq.
Practice Areas
Allowing a Person with IID Restriction to Operate a Motor Vehicle
Allowing a Person Without a Valid License to Operate a Motor Vehicle
Armed Robbery
Assault and Battery on Public Employee
Assault & Battery/ Crimes of Violence
Breaking and Entering (B&E)
Child Endangerment by Operating Under the Influence
Clerk Magistrate Hearings – Massachusetts
Criminal Harassment/ Stalking
Disorderly Conduct
Drug Crimes
Drunk Driving/ DUI/ OUI
Employing a Person with a Suspended License to Operate a Motor Vehicle
Failure to appear in Court/ Warrant for Arrest
Intimidation of a Witness
Keeping a Disorderly House
Larceny of a Motor Vehicle
Larceny over/under $250
Leaving the Scene (Hit and Run)
Leaving the Scene of Personal Injury
Minor in Possession of Alcohol- Massachusetts
Minor Motor Vehicle/ Traffic Offenses
Motor Vehicle Homicide (Manslaughter by Motor Vehicle)- Massachusetts
Motor Vehicle- Melanie’s Law Crimes
Operating an Uninsured Motor Vehicle
Operating to Endanger/ Negligent or Reckless Operating of a Motor Vehicle
Operating Under the Influence with a Suspended License for OUI
Operating Under the Influence Causing Death (OUI- Manslaughter)
Operating with a Suspended or Revoked License
Operating with a Suspended License from OUI (OAS for OUI)
Police Interviews/Questioning
Possession of Burglarious Tools
Possession of Drugs/Narcotics
Possession of/forging a False Identification or Operator’s License
Probation Violation & Surrender Hearings
Providing Alcohol to a Minor- Massachusetts
Receiving Stolen Property
RMV (DMV) Hearings
Resisting Arrest
Restraining Order Opposition & 209A Violations
Robbery by an Unarmed Person (Unarmed Robbery)
Sealing Criminal Records- Massachusetts
Sex Crimes
Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle
Warrant for Arrest
Operating Under the Influence Causing Serious Bodily Injury
Personal Injury/ Car accidents/ Wrongful Death
I Just Got Arrested in Massachusetts- What do I do?
What is a Continuance Without a Finding (CWOF)?
What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony in Massachusetts?
What is the difference between District and Superior Court in Massachusetts Criminal Cases?
What is a Suspended Sentence in Massachusetts?
As the victim in a Massachusetts domestic assault and battery case, can I have the charges dropped?
Can I be found in violation of probation based on a new criminal charge, if the new charge is dismissed or I am found Not Guilty?
What factors are considered when determining bail?
What is a Mandatory Minimum Sentence?
What is Pre-trial Probation in Massachusetts?
Should I take the breathalyzer in Massachusetts?
I received a citation for Operating Under the Influence but was not arrested- is there a difference?
Marijuana Possession in Massachusetts: What is Now Legal, and What Remains Illegal
Urbelis Law Reaches Settlement with Chelsea Police Officers on Behalf of Client
Massachusetts Court of Appeals Warns Vigilance When Charging Possession with Intent to Distribute Marijuana
Stun Guns Will Have the Same Second Amendment Protections as Firearms in Massachusetts
New Massachusetts “Designer” Drug Law Could Create Confusion
2015 Case Results at Urbelis Law
Massachusetts Judge Changes Mind on Evidence in Aaron Hernandez’s Criminal Trial
Aaron Hernandez Trial, Part 2: Prosecution Begins Its Case
Criminal Defense Attorney Arrested for Defending Her Client’s Constitutional Rights
Aaron Hernandez Trial, Part 1: The Opening Statements
Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: Mandatory Jury Instruction in all Massachusetts Criminal Trials
Former Middlesex County, Massachusetts Prosecutor Charged After Supplying Confidential Information to His Drug Dealer
Former Patriot Aaron Hernandez: MA Rules of Evidence May be the Key to Winning His Criminal Trial
Massachusetts Man Wrongly Accused
Brockton Man Indicted on Drug and Gun Charges
Firearm Legislation in Massachusetts
Boston Red Sox Broadcaster’s Son Charged with Murder
Massachusetts Voodoo Woman Mocks Cop and Gets Charged with 2nd OUI
Bulger Case Leaves More Questions Than Answers
Massachusetts Man Faces OUI & Drug Charges
Massachusetts Man Arrested for Operating Under the Influence Twice in Three Days
The Truth About Massachusetts Drunk Driving Statistics are Revealed in Special Counsel’s Report
Massachusetts State Police 20 Pound Marijuana Bust Could be Tossed
Man Arrested 2 Times in 3 Hours for Same Criminal Charge
Should I Take the Breathalyzer in Massachusetts?
Second Chances: Implications of Massachusetts’ New Criminal Record Sealing Law
DUI-Manslaughter Convict Sues His Dead Victims
Police Presence at Methuen Superintendent’s Home Sparks Confusion on Massachusetts’ Minor in Possession of Alcohol Law
Andover’s “Wet Biscuit” Scandal
High Acquittal Rate for Jury-Waived OUI Trials in Massachusetts is Not a Result of Judicial Leniency
Police Chief Misinterprets OUI Conviction Rate
Drunk Driving Technology Threatens Personal Liberty
Massachusetts Antibullying Plans: Enforceable?
Massachusetts Police Honored for Both Valid & Invalid Drunk Driving Arrests
Saugus Teen Charged with 10 Counts in Drunk Driving Case: 4 Won’t Stick
Massachusetts Field Sobriety Tests: 10 Reasons to Always Refuse
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Practice Areas
Allowing a Person with IID Restriction to Operate a Motor Vehicle
Allowing a Person Without a Valid License to Operate a Motor Vehicle
Armed Robbery
Assault and Battery on Public Employee
Assault & Battery/ Crimes of Violence
Breaking and Entering (B&E)
Child Endangerment by Operating Under the Influence
Clerk Magistrate Hearings – Massachusetts
Criminal Harassment/ Stalking
Disorderly Conduct
Drug Crimes
Drunk Driving/ DUI/ OUI
Employing a Person with a Suspended License to Operate a Motor Vehicle
Failure to appear in Court/ Warrant for Arrest
Intimidation of a Witness
Keeping a Disorderly House
Larceny of a Motor Vehicle
Larceny over/under $250
Leaving the Scene (Hit and Run)
Leaving the Scene of Personal Injury
Minor in Possession of Alcohol- Massachusetts
Minor Motor Vehicle/ Traffic Offenses
Motor Vehicle Homicide (Manslaughter by Motor Vehicle)- Massachusetts
Motor Vehicle- Melanie’s Law Crimes
Operating an Uninsured Motor Vehicle
Operating to Endanger/ Negligent or Reckless Operating of a Motor Vehicle
Operating Under the Influence with a Suspended License for OUI
Operating Under the Influence Causing Death (OUI- Manslaughter)
Operating with a Suspended or Revoked License
Operating with a Suspended License from OUI (OAS for OUI)
Police Interviews/Questioning
Possession of Burglarious Tools
Possession of Drugs/Narcotics
Possession of/forging a False Identification or Operator’s License
Probation Violation & Surrender Hearings
Providing Alcohol to a Minor- Massachusetts
Receiving Stolen Property
RMV (DMV) Hearings
Resisting Arrest
Restraining Order Opposition & 209A Violations
Robbery by an Unarmed Person (Unarmed Robbery)
Sealing Criminal Records- Massachusetts
Sex Crimes
Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle
Warrant for Arrest
Operating Under the Influence Causing Serious Bodily Injury
Personal Injury/ Car accidents/ Wrongful Death